1-be polite
2-no scamming or spamming
3-help other people out even if there not in the clan
if you do not follow these rules you wont became general rank if you carry on not following the rules you will be kicked out of the clan.
this website will just teach you some of the tips and tricks of runescape!
1-be polite
2-no scamming or spamming
3-help other people out even if there not in the clan
if you do not follow these rules you wont became general rank if you carry on not following the rules you will be kicked out of the clan.
ok this is the map for one of the most popular game in runescape the name -Castle Wars!!!- ok castle wars is were u battle an other team you can either choose from zamorak or saradomin but there is a third portal guthix that picks a random side for you if you cant choose who you like best! my personal favourite is zamorak i dunno why just is lol.
ok there are loads of tactics for castle wars that would take me ages to write so im just gunna short it down for ya!
ok there are 4 crossing to get to the oppostions standard(flag) that is based at the top of there castle so you have to get this bring it back to your castle and go up to your standard all without dying.
the first is the island located in the centre, the second and third is the two moats (see map) and finally the underground located in the corner of the armory that you have to go down a ladder there (see map for armory).
everything changes in castle wars and the amount of people in each place but i can tell you this to get the most out of castle wars it would be best if you were level 80+ or your just gunna get owned!
after the game who ever took the most amount of the oppostions flag back to there flag wins and get the amount of points they earned you can spend these points on things by trading with the person in the middle of the lobby thankfully there is a bank in castle wars so you dont have to travel all the way to yanille just to get the stuff you need!! thanks jagex!!!
ok thats it about castle wars the rest is up to you how you play it and all the tactics you use to own the other team!! hope you found this ifo helpfull oh ye Castle Wars is SAFE mini game so you WILL keep your items when you die!
these are were the portals are in pest control.
you can only destroy these when the sheilds are down.
there are different levels in pest control each for higher levels but you get higher points for the higher level you do,BUT you can only get these points if u get a certain number of hits these are are all the hits you do to a monster added together so say if u hit a 12 and 15 i would get 27 because 12 and 15 equals 27.
in pest control you have to protect the void knight in the centre of the mini game(see map) if he dies by the monster then the game is over and you dont get your points and money at the end of the game no matter how many points you have.
To get to Pest Control go to port sarim and speak to the squir (the boat furthest south in port sarim)
so thats pest control hope you find all this info helpfull it took me long enough to write!!!
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