we are the dragonhearts!

we are the dragonhearts!
we are saradomins army!!


hey all you runescape players!! welcome to my help site on rs and my clan!! enjoy! hope u find it helpfull :)

Saturday 26 January 2008

join the dragonheart clan

if you want to join the dragonheart clan join the clan chat (leader messenger535) and ask you never know you might get accepted but u have to earn your place to become general its easy to get to that point just folo the rules:

1-be polite

2-no scamming or spamming

3-help other people out even if there not in the clan

if you do not follow these rules you wont became general rank if you carry on not following the rules you will be kicked out of the clan.

Wednesday 16 January 2008


The most recent update on runescape is summoning this stat also includes a new prayer protect from summoning to use this prayer u need lvl 33 prayer and start you on your way to become a master of the art of summon. to start you need to have completed the quest wolf whistle this is quest is really easy you have to kill nothing just follow simple instructions this quest took my 5mins to do so really really easy!!.
Once you have done the quest speak to the person who you start the quest with and ask him about summoning go down the trapdoor(just by the bookcase) and go to the obliesk and right click on it and then click infuse pouch after go to the one you want to make(you will need different summon levels to summon the different things) then if you have the items to make the puch click on it and you will have the pouch each puch needs different things and different amounts of it the main things you need are the spirit shards and pouches bought from the person who you start the quest with and thats it thats the summon guide!! have fun on your way to become a master summon!

Tuesday 8 January 2008

My Clan

If you wish to my my clan then add me in game and ask but i cant promise you a place because we like to keep the clan as good and as less people as we can due to the amount of people joining and trying to scam other clan members so sorry who ever want to join! but if you do get a place please try to follow these 3 rules

2-help other clan members or anyone else who need your help

Monday 7 January 2008

money making (members)

there are loads of ways to make money for members so this is just a few of the most effective ways i found and some of my freinds told me (bergin50 for example) thanks bergin!!!!

ok the first is fishing swordfish, sharks, or lobster

1-go catherby and fish sharks, lobster or swordfish

2-sell them!

the second is fletching

1-the best is bow you can fleth in rs is a magic longbow and these sell for 5-10k ea so if you can do that great! keep making them and you can get money in no time!

but if you cant do that then flecth the best bow you can make.

if you dont know how to make a bow follow these instruction

1-cut down the trees and make them into a bow so like an oak logs use a knife on them and then you can make an oak shortbow or longbow

2-go to seers village just follow the path out of catherby when you get to seers go south and you will see a flax feild to the east of you pick the flax.

3-go to a spinning wheel

4-make into bow string

5-go to bank were you have stored your bows and use the bowstring with the bows

6-sell them!

the third is killing monsters that drop drag, rune or anything that worth lots of money!

1-kill monsters
2-sell there drops (like big bones for example)

the fourth is making oak planks now you may think but i have to spend money to make planks but to to make money you need to spend money

1-first go to the Lumber Yard (north east of varrock)

2-chop down some oak trees

3-speak to the guy in the lumber yard

4-make you oak logs into planks

5-sell them in the grand exchange(in varrock just north of main bank)

1-buy planks 30gp ea
2-sell them in grand exchange
YOU MADE 200gp!!

bergin50 told me about this one so thank him for this great info!!

so thats some of the best ways to get money on runescape for members theres loads of other ways but you need to find them out yourself!

How to make money (non-member)

ok theres multiple techniques to making money some easier but others that make more money than others and some that just take alot pf patience!

first theres wind running this only works on world 16 and is simple to do.

1-mine or buy 25 rune essence
2-go falador
3-folo the crowd going down the the air altar or go there yourself
4-make sure you have 25 rune ess and an air tally or tiara
5-enter air temple
6-trade the people who say open
7-trade your 25 rune ess (MUST be un-noted)
8-make sure they give 25 rune ess (noted and atleast 2k)

second theres chopping down yews(you need 60 woodcutting for this)

1-go either fally were there is one yew tree just near the air temple or go varrock were there is a yew tree just on the road to were the wildy is
2-chop down as money yews as you like but this takes time and alot of patience
3-sell them!

third theres mining rune essence(must have completed rune mysteries quest)

1-go varrock
2-go to the rune shop
3-teleport with aubury
4-mine as many rune ess as you want
5-sell them!

forth theres fishing lobsters(needs lvl 40 fishing) or fish swordfish(needs 50 fishing)

1-go karmja (need 30gp)
2-go to the banana plantatin (just as you arive in karmja you will see loads of banana trees)
3-go through the plantion until you see a fishing platform
4-fish either lobster (needs lobster pot) or swordfish(needs harpoon)
5-go to draynor bank
6-keep repeating until you want to sell them

fithly kill monsters

1-kill a monster that drop a clue scroll do that clue scroll until you get a reward and sell it
2-kill a monster that drops rune then sell that

Giant Mole killing

First off i need to say this~MOLEY MOLEY MOLEY!!
ok know thats that done lol

ok the giant mole is a high levle of 230 but do not fear! for it dosent attack you unless you attack it so its cool but if you do try to attack it then follow these instructions on high to own a giant mole!

ok it drops drag for starters lol and a few rune but that bout the most ur gunna get out of it apart for some sort of good combat exp

these are the drag items it drops:-
left half sheild
drag med helm

and thats it lol

ok now onto how to kill it this what what you should bring:-

drag scimmi (must have completed monkey maddness)
full monk or any other armour but not worth bringing something like drag monk work just fine
berserker helm
any lantern
strength ammy or ammy of glory
lobbies or sharks
and super att str and prayer pots or any other ones you find that works well

full black d hide
crystal bow(fully charged)
range pot
prayer pot
sharks or lobbies
ranger helm
ammy of glory

the stats:-
70 att str and/or range
45 def (or 70+) (if you have 45 def and try to kill it bring good armour and prayer)
43 prayer(MUST HAVE)
50+ agilty usefull running in the caves

how to find the giant mole:-
go to fally park
look on mini map and find the ! syumbol
dig ontop of one of the mole hills (light lantern befor you go down)
go into the centre and hopefully it wont have dug underground but if it has then you must have alot of pateince because it could take 10 mins+ for the mole to reserface!

giant mole stats:-

cb lvl~230
attack style~melee
max hit~25

when the mole is at half health it will start to dig and has several other spawn locations so when you do start to fight use the ddp++ on it first untill it is poison and hopefull that will do most of the work

if your light source goes out you will keep and getting hit loads of ones until you re-light the light source or you die!

so thats it have fun trying to kill the giant mole!

Security Stronghold

The Security Stronghold is based at the Barbarian Village just west of Varrock to get down into the Stronghold you will see a ! symbol in the middle of the Village on the mini map go in the middle of were all the ores are in the centre and you will see you will be able to climb down a hole.Once you are inside you have to get the the centre of each level to claim your reawrd but its not as easy as it seems for you have to pass door that ask you random questions about how to keep your runescape player safe from any hakers and want not to do in runescape but then its not just that there are monsters ranging in levels on each level that attack you so dont bring anything in there that you are worried about loosing.

There are 3 levels in the Stronghold that have harder levels of monsters that will attacks you but you have a better reward at each level than the last one once you have got to the centre of each of the levels if you want to come back you can use a portal at the start of each level so you dont have to go back through all of the monsters agian!.

Ok when you go through the stronghold if you kill the certain monsters on each level you will be able to obtain the parts to make a Skull Sceptre, the Sceptre only transport you back to the barbarian village 5 times once you have used the 5 charges the Sceptre is destroyed and you have to obtain another once (you cannont have more than one sceptre at a time) the monsters to obtain the parts are as follows:-

Minotaurs~lvl 10~first floor~skull right half
flesh crawlers~~lvl 28~second floor~sceptre bottom
Catablepon~lvl 49~third floor~sceptre top half
ankou~lvl 83~fourth floor~skull left half

after you have got all the bits use the bottom of the sceptre with the top then use the skull left half with the skull right half then finally use the skull with the sceptre shaft and you got yourslef a skull sceptre!! wooo!! lol

so thats it apart from this is a great place to train for f2p people and some p2p people but thats it thats the Security Stronghold!

Sunday 6 January 2008

bounty hunter

Bounty Hunter is NOT a safe mini game you WILL loose your items when you die.Bounty Hunter is like the wilderness but instead of killing who you want you are asigned people to kill unless you go rouge so you can kill who you want but it has it penelties like you are not alowed to leave the cave in a certain amount of time and your not aloud to pick things up for a certain amount of time.
The caves are ranked for each levels the first the one furthest south is from lvls 3-55 the second the one in the middle is from lvls 55-100 and the third the one furthest north is form lvls 95-125
When you enter a cave you will be skulled each skull has a differnet colour the one you get will be how expensive all the stuff you a wearing the colours of the skulls are as folows:-
brown~not expensive
red~very expensive

When you go into Bounty Hunter there are usually clans and people in teams there that are rouges and will always try to kill everyone so watch out for them.

what to take?
well its up to you what you take and how much you are willing to loose if you die so i cannot say what to take so its all up to you!

hope this info is helpfull!!

clan wars

in the most recent update in runescape is Clan Wars along with Bounty Hunter.Clan wars is in the wilderness just north of the chaos temple and east of the graveyard of shadows.Clan Wars is a safe mini game so you dont loose your items if you die.In Clan Wars you can join a clan of your choice and battle other clans the leader or generals of that clan choose or get challanged themselves this mini game you dont get any rewards apart from when you own another clan!
There isent really much to say about clan wars but it has its moments and can be fun but its not one of the most popular mni game in runescape but it can be fun oh ye before i forget Clan Wars is a SAFE mini game so when you die you WILL keep all your items

how to kill a kalphite queen

ok so obviously i dont know how to kill a kalphite my player is only lvl 78 and a kalphite queen is a lvl 333 so i would get owned! so i found this info of another website called zybez.net but the kalphite queen is the most likely monster to drop the amazing dragon chain body woooo!!!

on they way to the queen there are others kalphites who protect her so you will get attacked by them the lvls on these monsters range from lvl 28 to lvl 141.

If you are after the queen then it would be wise if you bought a number of freinds with you because the hard battle is not easily won.

These are the stats that you should have befor you try to attacks the queen.

red=minimum stat-but this wont lead to great success if you have them stats

green=recomended stats-leads to success but not all the time!

Hit points

ok so thats the stats but it isent easy as it seems well it isent easy atall trying to kill these things!

because once you kill the scareb form of the kq(kalphite queen) a flying bug comes out so be sure to put on protect from range attack prayer on but it also uses melee attacks and magic attacks so its up to you want prayer you use.

this is what you should bring when killing a kq:-
full veracs
veracs flail
dragon dagger poisoned ++
obsidian sheild
obsidian cape
barrows gloves
teleport to camelot runes or duel ring to duel arena but runes work best because you have to rub them first that wastes times and you might die in the process.
anti-poison or super anti-poison potions
cooked shark or monkfish
rope to get down the hole were the kg is
were to stand when the fighting the kq i hear you say well if you are in a team get the same number of people each side of here so she keep having to ground round in circles and sometimes not hit anyone!! but beware she has loads of other little bugs round her that dont hit high but after a while will start to take effect on you and then your food will go down.
so thats how to kill a kq(kalphite queen) hope this info is helpfull!!!!

the most deadly monsters on runescape (pt 2)

the most deadly monsters on runescape!! (pt 1)

Castle Wars

ok this is the map for one of the most popular game in runescape the name -Castle Wars!!!- ok castle wars is were u battle an other team you can either choose from zamorak or saradomin but there is a third portal guthix that picks a random side for you if you cant choose who you like best! my personal favourite is zamorak i dunno why just is lol.

ok there are loads of tactics for castle wars that would take me ages to write so im just gunna short it down for ya!

ok there are 4 crossing to get to the oppostions standard(flag) that is based at the top of there castle so you have to get this bring it back to your castle and go up to your standard all without dying.

the first is the island located in the centre, the second and third is the two moats (see map) and finally the underground located in the corner of the armory that you have to go down a ladder there (see map for armory).

everything changes in castle wars and the amount of people in each place but i can tell you this to get the most out of castle wars it would be best if you were level 80+ or your just gunna get owned!

after the game who ever took the most amount of the oppostions flag back to there flag wins and get the amount of points they earned you can spend these points on things by trading with the person in the middle of the lobby thankfully there is a bank in castle wars so you dont have to travel all the way to yanille just to get the stuff you need!! thanks jagex!!!

ok thats it about castle wars the rest is up to you how you play it and all the tactics you use to own the other team!! hope you found this ifo helpfull oh ye Castle Wars is SAFE mini game so you WILL keep your items when you die!

Pest Control

Pest Control is a SAFE mini game so you WILL keep your items when you die

these are were the portals are in pest control.

you can only destroy these when the sheilds are down.

there are different levels in pest control each for higher levels but you get higher points for the higher level you do,BUT you can only get these points if u get a certain number of hits these are are all the hits you do to a monster added together so say if u hit a 12 and 15 i would get 27 because 12 and 15 equals 27.

in pest control you have to protect the void knight in the centre of the mini game(see map) if he dies by the monster then the game is over and you dont get your points and money at the end of the game no matter how many points you have.

To get to Pest Control go to port sarim and speak to the squir (the boat furthest south in port sarim)

so thats pest control hope you find all this info helpfull it took me long enough to write!!!

the rs dragonhearts clan

ok this is my first clan it called the Dragonhearts these are the people who are in it:-

hellow68~general~aslo my best m8 he been with me from the start and will b to the end!!
rexty8~general~also my best m8 unfortuntly quit but been my best m8 for for the longest
x men death~general
s andrews~general

favourite mini game













pest control

pest control